Thursday 4 April 2013


Hi will is here. I am William Shakespeare , I born on 23rd April  1564 in Stratford , England. Of course , I am a male. Currently having my coffee break while blogging. I am a English poet. I love writing things such as the sonnets and the plays. My current job is being a poet and controlling my plays. I have opened a theatre called the globe and you should visit it..! it is located on South bank of London’s river. I don't think that the cost of the sits per play is expensive , i am not sure. But if you show them my blog , maybe they'll give you a 'special' discount :P haha , no i am just kidding.  I have written so many play such as Romeo and Juliet. Actually , I don’t use any girl in my plays, we use boys and sometimes they need to be make up as a girl. Now its my turn to present my plays

Got to go now , bye
Will , the bard

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